October 29, 2011

So grateful...

...I cannot let another day go by without saying thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  Your words were sincere and kind but above all you made me feel heard.  That feeling goes a long way toward tempering my disappointment with the whole situation.  Every day it gets a little easier to let go of my dream.  I haven't actually filed the withdrawal papers.  I am not looking forward to that day.  It's been a demanding week at work and I haven't been able to investigate the necessary process and paperwork.  That's ironic.   If I haven't the time to fill out  a few withdrawal forms, whatever made me think I could tackle the entire national certification process?

I'm looking forward to my next post about Halloween happenings.  Enough with the gloom, bring on the ghouls!

*Actually, there are no goblins in this house, my boys are dressing as Scooby Doo and Buzz Lightyear.  The scariest it gets around here is when someone swipes his brother's glow-in-the-dark spider ring.


  1. Happy Halloween Beautiful Girl :) can't wait to see the photos of Scooby and Buzz xo

  2. Big hugs, Lara. Hope Halloween is awesome at your house!
