February 8, 2012


Aside from being a  song that perfectly describes my life right now, this title describes Liam these days.  Behaviorally, he is much higher maintenance than Henry.  In fact, my second son is incorrigible.  It's a good thing he's cute.  I claim the mommy right of being able to say both those things.  And I do say them...about twenty times a day.

Look, Mom, my costume still fits!

Just about the only time he's not getting into trouble

He's a rascal.  But he's my rascal and I love him.


  1. Ooohhhh, how could that cute face ever be incorrigible?

    Rhian loves hats too. Sleeps with a toque on every night.

  2. Ahhhh such a cutie Lara!1 And how funny that we both posted about how much we love our 2 year olds in our blogs tonight. We HAVE to get these boys together!!!

  3. Mischievousness doesn't show in pictures - he looks like an angel!

  4. If it makes you feel any better...my daughter is a beast. An absolute beast. I call her the criminal. Of course I love her...but DAMN!!

  5. Oh, I love the hats!! Incorrigible, I love that word! I should use that instead of pain-in-the...lol :)

  6. Being cute is their way of keeping their mothers from eating them. Adorable pics!

  7. He is so adorable Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  8. He really is pretty darn cute! Love the hat!
