February 29, 2012

Who Knew?

Finishing one of many shopping trips in preparation for the boys' birthday bash, I said to myself-- the best thing about having children with birthdays in February is that their cakes and chocolate milk will stay cold in the trunk while I run the rest of my errands.  Then I thought about it and realized that the best thing about having children with birthdays in February is having children.  Five years ago (also known as the blink of an eye) things were very different around here.  Very different and very quiet.  Who knew it would get so loud and crazy? 

Those fancy character cakes cost twice as much at the store.  Who knew?   I decided to buy plain sheet cakes and decorated them with my boys' favorite things:  CARS for Liam and Dinosaurs for Henry.  They were happily fooled into thinking these were the cakes they had picked out in the bakery book.

Some children will watch the same movie seventy-three times before their 3rd birthday.  Who knew?

A happy family where once there was none.  Who knew?


  1. Hey - Is that that YOU in the picture?! :) So nice to actually see you. Happy February! And didn't THAT go fast!

  2. Oh, the list of who knew, it's so long now. Who knew it could actually take 5 minutes or longer to put on a jacket? I mean, I never knew that!
    Too funny. And yes, where did the five years go? I certainly don't know. And this year, we have an extra day to try to remember!

  3. Happy birthdays! Time has really flown by. Can't be five year :) But the cake doesn't lie!

  4. Happy Birthday to your boys!! Love the photo of the 3 of you (that is you, right?) and great thinking for the cakes!!!

  5. Those cakes look amazing! How do you find the time? Where did you learn how to decorate cakes? Great pictures. Happy birthday to your boys! And look at all that snow. Here in Toronto we have had next to nothing!

  6. Happy belated birthday to your beautiful boys. How lovely to see your pretty face :) xo

  7. Love the pics! The boys are getting so big! Tell them to stop!!! It really does go by WAY too fast. Great to see you are enjoying them so much!

  8. Almost a month late, yikes!
    Happy Birthday Henry and Liam!!!
    Love the cakes :-).
