One day last week, I found myself parked on a city street with a Starbucks' Grande Peppermint Mocha, no children in the backseat and nowhere to be for at least thirty minutes. I seized upon the opportunity to leaf through an issue of "American Baby". Sure, the time might have been better used for a quick catnap, but I think the Village police may have frowned upon that if they happened by.
I found two snippets of information that were both informative and familiar. By that I mean I'd never seen the information spelled out in black and white, but it instantly made sense. I found myself nodding in agreement behind the steering wheel when I read:
- A Harvard study reports that moms of boys produce milk with 25% more calories. (No wonder I was so hungry all the time after Liam was born. I just couldn't get enough to eat. The take-out bills completely broke the budget I had so carefully planned out for my maternity leave)
- When it comes to childcare, "wonderful is ten times better than good....when we did find someone wonderful, the difference was so dramatic that I wished I'd never settled for less." (Again the b-word, comes budget is stretched by our current childcare arrangement but it is so wonderful, so nurturing that I'll never go back to mediocre again.
Next time you have to go sit in the Starbucks! I love the aura of Starbucks. It completely calms me. I love magazines, too. Half the time I don't read the long articles but I like to look at pictures. I think sometimes it's good to read something you believe in and know that someone else believes in it, too. Blogs are like that, I feel like I'm always looking for people who I can relate to. My friends are like that, too. I want friends who can relate to my life somehow (it doesn't just have to be because of motherhood). I think as humans we like to know someone else has experienced the same thing to be able to trust what we believe in...maybe that's not a good thing...but I know I get that way. Obviously, I have my own opinions and thoughts but it always feels good to know that someone out there agrees with me or supports me. :)