November 8, 2009

City Saturday

     What a wonderful morning in the city.  Liam and I stopped by my very favorite playground between Lake Shore and Marine Drives.  It's like a miniature Central Park--overflowing with green spaces, dogs on long leashes, couples on benches, ball games and laughing children. 
     We picked the perfect day to visit.  The sun was shining and there were many, many families enjoying the sixty degree weather.  I love to hang out at this park and watch all the soccer moms, dad duos, nannies and kids.  Most of the moms with little kids are near my age.  That's unheard of here in the far suburbs where we stick out like a sore thumb.  The demographics of the lakefront visitors are so much closer to my own--I can't help but feel like I belong. I also bask in the diversity of family configurations.  It just feels real to me.  No one bats an eye at my naked left ring finger or the crinkling lines around my eyes when I smile at my 8 month old son.
     I know that it is not realistic to plan a move to the city; but I will definitely plan more visits to this park.  That's assuming I can find a parking space...


  1. How fun. We went down to the city over the summer and met friends for breakfast/lunch at Yolk which is south on Michigan Ave. We walked all the way from the train station and had fun running through the gardens/parks. We climbed a hill where there was a statue of a guy on a horse and then Jordan and I ran down the hill. It was the highlight of his day.

    It's nice that you got to spend time just with Liam. I see people with more than one kiddo and I always have to think about how that would work. It seems way more complicated than one. Obviously it's normal and people do it, it just still seems to foreign to me. :)

  2. hi - wasn't it just pristine in our fair city today?! Yesterday, my daughter and I rode our bikes from Streeterville to the the Green City Market, bought ourselves soem cheese and croissants, and ate outside...who would have thought we could do this in Chicago, on Nov 7/8??! Hooray!
    Swati (from MBC)
