December 31, 2011

Trains in the Sun

Sun City, that is.  We took two trips to see this stunning display at the Del Web community in a nearby suburb.  Trains of every gauge were set up on a large, tiered table with a winter backdrop.  I thought it was beautiful--the boys enjoyed it but were a bit intimidated both by the older kids and the somewhat hushed setting.  There was a beautiful fireplace and many gorgeous decorations.  Full disclosure though, the boys were just as excited to eat our lunch at Culver's afterward.   Boys will be boys.
My favorite:  Tiny dancers in a miniature glass ballroom

Henry looking with his eyes, not his hands

taking a break by the fireplace

one last look before lunch


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Lara. How did Henry react to the gift from Santa to you? Hope the magic is still there. May this year be full of happy moments!

  2. You have the greatest train displays near you! Lucky boys! Happy New Year!
