March 23, 2015

Learning to love this age

I'm not sure how my children got to be school age so quickly.  On Saturday, we went to the zoo and they ran everywhere.  We were practically the only family without a wagon or stroller.  Part of me missed those days--portability and a place to stash my purse.  I looked at my children and realized, not only aren't they babies anymore, but they're not preschoolers either.  At just six and eight they're not packing for college yet but they seem to be taking the steps toward independence two at a time.  With each young family we passed, I found myself longing for the good old days of diaper bags and sippy cups.

One thing other parents have taught me is that the years will fly by whether I enjoy the days or not.  And there is so much to enjoy.  My boys and I have wise and witty conversations, punctuated by their innocence and optimism.   They watch Pokemon battles on dvd while snuggled under their favorite blankets holding stuffed animals.  They are too "cool" to say a word when I drop them off at school in the morning but run into my arms when I pick them up in the afternoon.  They beg for Minecraft but happily spend hours watching Mickey Mouse cartoons in their pajamas.

Speaking of pajamas, the other day while I was folding laundry and he was getting ready for bed, Henry announced, "Mom--in two years I'll be a tween."  I caught my breath in shock and agreement.  I didn't dare say a word.  Then, as he slipped one leg into his footie pajamas, he asked "What's a tween?"  I explained and then watched for a full five minutes as he struggled valiantly to right the inside-out sleeves of his dinosaur fleece jammies.  The sleeves flapped behind him; he pivoted to catch one and then the other, pulling his long skinny arms through.  Exhausted, he gave up when it came to the sticky zipper.  With his tween comment still ringing in my years,  I was glad to help. As I pulled the zipper to his chin he thanked me then ran upstairs trailing his beloved Superman blanket behind him.

What's not to love?  As someone once said, "The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been."  Thank goodness.


  1. Love this post!!

  2. Wonderfully said! I loved reading this post!

  3. I've always dreaded the loss of the preschool years (yes, even before I was a mom, I dreaded it) but your posts about your boys are starting to make me actually look forward to what comes next. :)

  4. Time does fly when having fun.. Tween OH MY... I have to get a code book to keep up with this stuff. Man I am starting to feel old.. Please say its NOT so tell me I am not turning into my Mom... LOL Love seeing this pics. As always you so inspire me..

  5. What a wonderful post - they will always be your babies no matter how big they grow!

  6. Such a beautiful post! Every year around this time I see parents and their soon-to-be high school graduates coming through the office for cleanings. I see the wistfulness in their parents' eyes as I ask about plans and goals. And each time my heart beats a little faster as I know that in 13 years I'll be having this same conversation, and remember that last year it was in 14 years. And I think where did that year go? Thank you for the reminder to enjoy the days as they go by.

  7. It's so hard to imagine Sidekick the age of your boys! It's so close, yet so far away. This is a good reminder to treasure the time now because it DOES go fast. I swear Sidekick was just born six months ago!

  8. You are so articulate with your feelings. I can't believe how fast time is flying - and it's true, I love the stroller for hanging all of our stuff on :) Does it make you long to start over again, or are you simply happy to enjoy your "pre-tweens" ;) as they are right now?
