June 11, 2010

Summer Transition*

*It was bound to be difficult, but does it have to be downright disastrous?

Short post, mostly because I don't feel like talking about the sorry week we've had.  I'm trying be honest and not just blog about the good and special times.  Those weeks are great and deserve to be remembered.  This was not one of them.

While preparing for my neighbors' send-off, we were in a car accident.  The boys are fine.  Liam did not notice the crash.  It scared Henry but he was fine after about 30 seconds.  It's been six days and I'm still shaking. The car is in the shop awaiting thousands of dollars of work (only half of which is covered by the insurance).  The neighbors are gone  to Memphis amidst rivers of tears.

There's really nothing else to say....


  1. Sorry about the accident at least the boys were not hurt.

  2. So sorry... I have had a rough couple of weeks myself if it makes you feel any better. Sometimes being the only parent of two kids is just plain hard. Period. Hard to be strong when you need to be, hard to be everything to everyone, and especially hard to find the time to take care of yourself when that becomes the most important thing. Hang in there. Things will turn around, right? :)

  3. An accident? How scary, especially with your boys in the car. I'm glad you are all okay. I'm sorry you've had such a hard week...hopefully next week is better.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about the accident! I'm glad all three of you were OK. If only we bounced back from things like that as quickly as the kids. Next week can only be better, right? :)

  5. How scary! Glad you're all o.k.

  6. So sorry you and the boys were in an accident! What an awful thing. I'm glad they everyone is physically OK... hope next week gets here soon!

  7. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this. Thank God the boys and you are ok. I can only imagine how scary it was for you having the boys with you. Hang in there.

  8. Bummer, dude! But think positive, you are all okay, paying for the car sucks, but what's important is that you are all safe! It's only the first week of summer...it will get better!!!! :)

  9. I'm sorry to hear this, but so glad you and the boys are OK. I imagine it was terrifying being in an accident with your children.

  10. Thank God you are all ok. I'm sorry that your support system and friends have moved away. It will get better in time. xo

  11. So sorry to hear about your car crash and that your dear neighbours are gone. It will take time to develop new frienships, but know that we are here too.
