December 31, 2010

In the great green room, there was a telephone...

Next month, I will have lived in this house for eleven years.  I never thought I'd have children here or anywhere else.  So when I come downstairs and Henry tells me, "Mommy, I heard you reading Goodnight Moon to Liam on the baby monitor," it's an extra special moment.  That short, quiet statement speaks volumes.

Goodnight Moon Image


  1. What a lovely way to end the year.

  2. Could you have imagined such a moment, 11 years ago when you first moved in?

    Happy New Year!

  3. Last night I read three books to my daughter before bed and, for once, one of them was NOT Goodnight Moon. After the three books were done I picked her up and told her "time for bed." She responded with, "I want it Goodnight Moon...I want it the telephone and red balloon...I want it the old lady shush hush..."

    No doubt that book is a classic. And in case you're wondering? I gave her the book in her crib and she read it to herself. And I listened over the monitor...and smiled...

    Happy New Year.

  4. Wow 11yrs time sure does fly!
    Yep thats something to cherish! Such sweet boys!
    Happy New year!
