May 5, 2011

Then and now...

My original idea for this post was to have the photo of Liam sitting in his infant carrier at four months and a photo of the boys in their matching Nautilus carseats today. I uploaded the first photo and the typed the title last month. However when my computer crashed, I lost access to the rest of my photos including recent ones showing the boys strapped in their big boy boosters.

I do have all of my photos saved on Snapfish, so it's not really the tragedy it could have been. Still, I didn't want to take all that trouble of uploading, downloading, browsing and transferring photo files. (It's not really that much work, but I'm tired, I still have four loads of laundry to fold and a scrapbook page to create.) So I quickly picked one of the few photos saved on my brand new computer: the boys enjoying a recent visit to the park.

Where once they could just look at each other and wonder what the other was thinking, they now share interests, activities and mischief.   All I can say is --we've come a long way, babies!


  1. Two very nice pictures, for sure. How fun to get to have that front row seat to their blossoming friendship and brotherhood.

  2. Great post and beautiful pics

  3. You sure have! How fast time goes... just think, in no time at all you will be the mom of two teenage boys - then the fun really begins. Trust me, I know ;) xx
