May 13, 2011

Picturing Progress

This goal of making one scrapbook page each night this month takes much more time and effort than I originally thought it would.  It's also much more fun and satisfying than I imagined.  I was determined to get this minor chore crossed off my to do list but, surprisingly, I find myself actually enjoying the creative process involved in making these pages.
During the first week of the "challenge", I made at least one page each day.  Often, since I had all the supplies and photos spread in front of me, I would start a second page as well.  I ended up with a quite a few partial pages that were set aside to wait for just the right embellishment or the printing of a saved photo. 

Despite having a plethora of supplies,  I did pick out a few more things at the craft store.  I'm still searching for numeral stickers that can be used to date  some pages.  I'd like something small and understated but all I can find are big, bold, block numbers.   Guess I'll have to try Archivers.  But a visit to that store is like opening Pandora's scrapbook.  That's exactly what got me in this "mess" in the first place! 

Quite a few of the pages I've made so far show the boys' activities from the last six months or so.  There are lots of moments I haven't scrapped from their younger years.  I'll go back to their 2010 photo albums for more ideas.  A christening page and more scenes with their grandparents are up next. 



  1. These look great!! Sounds like doing them has been a little theraputic too.

  2. You are doing a great job. They are looking super.
