When you are preparing to have a child, people advise you to start a college fund, warn you about saving for orthodontia, even explain the expenses involved in buying quality footwear. But no one, NO ONE, prepares you for how much money you will spend at McDonald's.
Oh that made me laugh. I think I'm the worst mother for taking L to MCD's and starting her addiction to fries.
ReplyDeleteI needed this laugh first thing today :)
Instead of a 529 fund, I think that fund is called the $9.99 fund. :)
ReplyDeleteCarter thinks McDonald's is a toy store! He's not a big eater, but we've spent our fair share on Happy Meal toys. We often go in for a coffee & a Smurf ;-) Imagine when I take him to Toys R Us! He won't know what to do :-0
ReplyDeleteToo funny! Thanks for warning this new mom :)
ReplyDeleteIsn't THAT the truth!!! LOL :)