February 23, 2015

Birthday Bashes Begin...

I have no idea how someone with so little maternal wisdom can possibly have children approaching six and eight years of age.  I mean, I'm clueless when it comes to mothering.  There's no way I've had 8 years of on-the-job training.  If that were the case, I'd be much, much better at this.

Let's face it.  I make rookie mistakes daily.  But now the calendar says I'm no longer a rookie.  My babies have grown into school-age children with  minds of their own.  We fumble, stumble and mumble over each other as we do life in our tiny house.

Although I don't believe the math, the calendar says celebrate, so celebrate we will.  There are the actual birth date (school night) celebrations.  There are special restaurant lunches with singing waitstaff.  There are individually wrapped, classroom treats and goody bags from the dollar store. (Not to be confused with the previous week's Valentine treat bags.)  Lastly, there's the big weekend bash--rented party room, entertainer, two cakes and four pizzas.

February may be the shortest month, but around here it's really long on fun.

having lunch on the right side of the tracks

This week Henry will celebrate his actual birthday with his class and then see his friends on the weekend for his Silly Science party.  I still have some work to do to finish his classroom treat, order the cakes and pizza for the weekend and assemble the goody bags.  Tomorrow both boys have to return to school in the evening for their Knowledge Fair and they have choir practice on Wednesday night.   I'm not sure how I'm going to fit everything in.  Luckily, I've already wrapped Henry's presents.  Now if I can just remember where I hid them...


  1. Woo hoo! I'll be in the same boat next month but with 1 and 3-year-old birthdays! Hard to imagine one day I'll have a six and eight year old, too!

  2. I can't believe how fast the years have flown! Goodness I still picture them as tiny in my mind, even though I read your posts regularly. Every parent is winging it sweetie - and you are doing a brilliant job! Happy Birthday to your Henry and have a brilliant time xo

  3. Happy Birthday Henry!!!

    I am floored by your creativity!! You are so organized!! I am lucky if I remember to buy treats for the school party. And last year skipped the friend party all together!

  4. I don't think you give yourself enough credit! From reading here I think you have some pretty good clues to mothering! Happy birthday to your boys! And congratulations on getting them to school age. You're obvio doing something right!

  5. Yep your not a rookie.. I think your a PRO. You always amaze me and I think your a awesome mom!
